Dynamically Different Dumfries – Follow-up Exhibition (May 2021)
Take a look at the interactive follow-up exhibition and tell us what you think! Click on the image below (or click here) to open the interactive document. Once you’ve had a chance to look at some of the ideas, please share your views with us here.
Dynamic Dumfries – Newsletter 9
Click here to read the most recent newsletter from the Dynamically Different Dumfries project. If you aren’t already signed up for updates, sign up here.
Join our webinar on 20 April!
Join us for the next Dynamically Different Dumfries webinar on Tuesday 20 April from 4pm – 5.30pm. At the webinar we’ll share: the ideas that you’ve shared with us, some visualisations to bring those ideas to life, to check ‘are we on the right track?’ and to ask ‘is there anything missing?’. There’s still plenty of opportunity to help shape the Dynamically Different Dumfries vision and action plan, so sign up and join us at the webinar on 20 April! Sign up here.
Dynamic Dumfries – Newsletter 8
Newsletter #8 DYNAMICALLY DIFFERENT DUMFRIES : DEFINING THE AGENDA Come along to our post digital follow-up Webinar! Webinar on Tuesday 20 April : 4pm to 5.30pm. The Dynamically Different Dumfries follow-up webinar will be held online on Tuesday 20 April from 4pm – 5.30pm. Sign-up here to register. Following a busy few months of digital community conversations and workshops, the Dynamically Different Dumfries team is keen to share with you the many great ideas that we have heard so far. Importantly, we want to check with you that we are on the right track and if anything is missing before starting to prepare the draft Dumfries Town Centre Vision and Action Plan. There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions via the webinar chat function during the webinar presentation session. Following the webinar, feedback posters will be displayed both online and physically in Dumfries Town Centre. You will be able to provide comments through a QR code and survey link, and also via post, telephone and e-mail to Julia Frost julia@pas.org.uk, PAS, 11/2C Tweeddale Court, 14 High Street, EDINBURGH, EH1 1TE 07949 720983). Don’t worry if you haven’t taken part in any conversations or workshops to date. The webinar is your opportunity to […]
Dynamic Dumfries: Newsletter 7
Newsletter #7 News from our last and fourth workshops on Green and Public Space and what comes next. Green and Public Space – Wednesday 3 March 2021 We completed the last in our series of digital workshops yesterday, this time focusing on the theme of ‘Green and Public Space’, and to a sell-out audience at our first workshop of the day. We welcomed a wide mix of local people, including Glasgow University students from The Crichton Campus. Loreburn Primary School P6 pupils, once again, provided us with inspiration for our workshop discussions, this time focusing on ‘Greening Dumfries’ using ecological examples from around the world (see these on Facebook over the next few days). Thank you to everyone who attended and for all your great ideas. Our project exhibition boards are available online for those not able to attend. Please post your comments here: Dynamically Different Dumfries Conceptboard Visioning Participants recognised that a vision for the town’s green and public spaces must directly relate to climate change, and the need for the town to both adapt to and be proactive in helping meet climate emergency net zero targets. The vision must also link to nature and wildlife […]
Dynamic Dumfries: Newsletter 6
Newsletter #6 News from our third workshop on Homes and Community and how to take part in the final workshops next week. Homes and Community – Wednesday 24 February 2021 Inspiring, dynamic and fruitful discussions took place last night at our third digital workshop on the theme ‘Homes and Community’. Thanks to everyone who attended. Our project exhibition boards are available online for those not able to attend. Please post your comments here: https://www.lovedumfries.co.uk… Just a quick reminder that these workshops are open to everyone; we want to encourage as many people as possible to come along, and please help spread the word. We’ve created a safe space to allow conversations in small break-out ‘living’ rooms for you to enjoy the experience. The last of the series will be held next week on Wednesday 3 March on the theme of ‘Green and Public Space’. Sign-up now here: Dynamically Different Dumfries Events | Eventbrite Visioning Key visioning aspirations around the theme of ‘Homes and Community’ included: Flexible and accessible community space A diverse year-round programme of activities which embraces the cultural appeal of the town A shared town centre for all inhabitants of Dumfries and beyond A high-quality, affordable range of housing […]
Dynamic Dumfries Newsletter 5
Newsletter #5 News from our second workshops and how to take part in up-coming workshops Movement and Transport – Wednesday 17 February 2021 Yesterday we had the second in our series of digital themed workshops for the Dynamically Different Dumfries project, focusing this time on Movement and Transport. Thanks to everyone who came along and for your energy and ideas. For those not able to attend, here is a link to our project exhibition boards where you can not only comment on content and workshop themes but sign up to our remaining two workshops: https://www.lovedumfries.co.uk/dynamically-different-dumfries-exhibition-posters/ There was great workshop discussion and lots of enthusiasm for change. Below is a flavour of what was discussed. Visioning Those attending the workshops would like a vision that firmly establishes a culture change focusing on active travel and the reduction of cars in the town centre; a vision which reflects a welcoming ‘arrival’ into Dumfries Town Centre with accessible and consistent information about available travel options. The vision needs to assert a resilient and flexible strategy on movement and transport to suit all needs and help address the climate emergency. There is a consensus on the need for any future vision […]
Dynamic Dumfries: Newsletter 4
Newsletter #4 News from our first workshops and how to take part in up-coming workshops Local Economy & Enterprise Workshops 10 February Creative visioning and ambitious project ideas were flowing at the Local Economy & Enterprise digital workshops yesterday – the first in a series of four workshop themes for the Dynamically Different Dumfries project. Thanks to everyone who came along. There was great discussion and lots of enthusiasm for change. Below is a flavour of what was discussed. For those not able to attend, here is a link to our project exhibition boards where you can not only comment on content and workshop themes but sign up to our remaining three workshops: https://www.lovedumfries.co.uk/dynamically-different-dumfries-exhibition-posters/ Workshop summary replays now online If you missed the workshops on Local Economy and Enterprise, we have now put online the end summary from each of the two workshops (about 25 minutes each). You can find them on the DPAG Facebook page: Local Economy & Enterprise – Workshop 1 summary Local Economy & Enterprise – Workshop 2 summary Visioning There is generally consensus on the need for a short, memorable, dynamic, welcoming, bold vision, that is not only unique to Dumfries but makes […]
Dynamically Different Dumfries – Exhibition posters
Tell us what you think about the exhibition posters below! Click on the image below (or click here) to open the interactive document. Once you’ve had a chance to look at some of the ideas, please share your views with us here.
Join the conversation – online workshops
Join the conversation and share your views about the future of Dumfries town centre. Sign up and take part in our workshops here.
Dynamic Dumfries: Newsletter 3
Newsletter #3 News from our introductory webinar and how to take part in up-coming workshops Almost 100 people tuned in to yesterday’s Dynamically Different Dumfries ‘Welcome’ introductory webinar via zoom and facebook, and hundreds more have since clicked on a recording of the session. You can do this too, in your own time, here: Welcome Webinar Recording. We’re delighted with the level of interest and response to this ‘dynamic’ visioning and action planning project for Dumfries Town Centre. There were fantastic presentations from Councillor Elaine Murray (Council Leader and local ward member), Leah Halliday (DPAG Chair), P6 Loreburn Primary School pupils Blythe Murray, Jessica Brown, Katie Brown, and Deputy Principal and Professor of Retail Studies at Stirling University Leigh Sparks. Julia Frost from PAS set the context explaining what it’s all about, why it’s happening now, and how to get more involved. A few key points highlighted during the webinar: Dynamically Different Dumfries is an inclusive and collaborative process. It is vital that as many aspects of the local community as possible get involved to help redefine and repurpose Dumfries Town Centre. Local communities know their needs better than anyone else – tell us! You have the skills […]
Dynamic Dumfries: Help Shape the Future of Dumfries Town
Dynamic Dumfries: Introducing Dynamically Different Dumfries
Introducing Dynamically Different Dumfries How could empty properties and land be used in Dumfries?… Is it easy for you to use public transport where you live?… How can Dumfries Town Centre be made more welcoming?… What streets and spaces would you like to see improved?… These are just some of the questions we are asking as part of the Dynamically Different Dumfries project. We want to hear your views and ambitions for Dumfries for the next ten years, to help create a vision and action plan for a more vibrant and dynamic town centre. Many of you, last year, took part in a community survey which has helped inform/shape this project. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE RESULTS. We’ve also been engaging with young people, carried out a town audit, read up on what’s been done before and spoken to key local businesses and organisations who can help make things happen. Do you want a more vibrant, more successful town centre? Do you want a different Dumfries? Dynamically Different Dumfries is an open and collaborative effort to create a new future for the town centre. This project is about bringing together business and community views into a deliverable plan for […]
Dynamic Dumfries: Newsletter January 2021
Welcome to the first Revitalising Dumfries Town Centre newsletter! Re-starting this January 2021 – Dumfries Town Centre Action Plan and Vision. We’re now keen to re-energise this project and are formatting it digitally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The revitalising Dumfries Town Centre Action Plan is a 10-year (2021-2031) Vision and Action Plan, developed in partnership with the community, businesses and key stakeholders, addressing change over the short, medium and long term. It is a joint project between Dumfries and Galloway Council and the Dumfries Partnership Action Group (DPAG), who will welcome new members as part of this process. It is facilitated by PAS, a charitable social enterprise which helps communities to have their say in planning and place matters. Here is a summary of the project, how it works and how you can get involved: The project promotes a collaborative, inclusive approach to address the many present-day challenges of Dumfries Town Centre. It will become a vehicle for delivery, funding and investment, identifying priorities for change. Desk-top research, town audit, surveys, discussions and youth workshops have already taken place during the course of 2020 and we are now continuing this discussion through themed community workshops […]
Dynamic Dumfries: Views Wanted – Young People asked for their opinions in reshaping the High Street.
That is the question being asked by PAS, the group working with DPAG to create a vision to reshape the High Street. You can take part in one of two virtual workshops taking place on: Wed Dec 14th, 7-9pm Sun Dec 20th, 2-3pm Take the survey and help us reshape the town for the future!
Dynamic Dumfries: Revitalising Dumfries Town Centre Vision and Action Plan
Over the next few months Dumfries and Galloway Council and DPAG (Dumfries Partnership Action Group) will be preparing a 10 year Shared Vision and Action Plan for Dumfries Town Centre. Rather than do it alone they want to make sure the plan is what the community and businesses want. Local people will have ideas they’d like to see happen – or you might even have a project you’d like to do yourself. You have already helped set the agenda by completing a short community survey earlier this year, and CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE RESULTS Revitalising Dumfries Town Centre is focused on delivery, and will be delivered in partnership with the community and key stakeholders, addressing change over the short, medium and long term. It is a series of community conversations and events where people are encouraged to come together to discuss and share ideas for the future of Dumfries Town Centre – to help improve Dumfries Town Centre as a place to live, work, study and visit. The project aims to involve residents, young people, private, public and third sector organisations, and others with an interest in the revitalisation of the town centre. It is community and business led and delivered […]